On Our Own Terms

Moyers on Dying: This four-part video series from Bill Moyers crosses the country from hospitals to hospices to homes to capture some of the most intimate stories ever filmed and the most candid conversations ever shared with a television audience around end-of-life care. Zen Hospice Project’s volunteer program was featured in the first segment, Living With Dying.

With Eyes Open

KQED presented four half-hour companion shows to On Our Own Terms: honest discussions about caregiving, grief, difficult decisions and what may lie beyond death. The first episode, Mourning, was a conversation about loss, grief and healing facilitated by the founder of Zen Hospice Project, Frank Ostaseski.

Graceful Passages

The 2 CD gift book of Graceful Passages offers compassion, comfort and emotional healing for facing life-threatening illness, grieving a loved one, or caring for our soul. It includes messages spoken by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, Ram Dass, Thich Nhat Hanh, Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, and other mentor guides.

Sounds True

Aprovides audio, video, and music for the inner life. This link will take you to a selection of their programs on death and dying.

New Dimensions

New Dimensions Broadcasting Network fosters the process of living a more healthy life of mind, body and spirit while deepening our connections to self, family, community and the environment. A selection number of great shows on death and dying which have aired over the years.

Book list for NPR’s "The End of Life"

This bibliography was prepared by the staff of All Things Considered and contains both books and journal articles dealing with terminal illness, symptom management, bereavement, grief, and medical and social policy relating to the care of the terminally ill. See also their "Readings" section for a nice sample of texts, poetry, and images.