About.com's Death and Dying site

This site provides discussion forums, current articles for the general public, and collects resources on a variety of related topics, including spirituality, euthanasia, teen grief, the signs of dying, and more.

Growth House

This award-winning web site is an international gateway to resources for life-threatening illness and end-of-life care. Its search engines offer access to the net's most comprehensive collection of reviewed resources for end-of-life care. Over one hundred health-care web sites offer remote access to their database to complement their own content.

Inter-Institutional Collaborating Network On End-of-Life Care (IICN)

This site links major international organizations in a shared online community. The IICN includes national palliative care professional societies representing the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, and Spain. Zen Hospice Project is proud to be a member of the IICN.

National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization

The NHPCO is the largest non-profit membership organization representing hospice and palliative care programs and professionals in the United States. The site has a searchable engine for hospices around the country by state and county, as well as facts and figures about palliative care, job openings, and educational opportunities for professionals.

Hospice Net

This site provides information and support to patients and families facing life-threatening illnesses. Hospice Net is an independent, non-profit 501(c)3 organization working exclusively through the Internet. Hospice Net does not accept advertising and is funded entirely by unsolicited, private donations.

Hospice Foundation of America

This a non-profit organization that promotes hospice care and works to educate professionals and the families they serve in issues relating to care-giving, terminal illness, loss, and bereavement.